Vysis LSI CBFB Dual Color Break Apart Rearrangement Probe

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Vysis LSI CBFB Dual Color Break Apart Rearrangement Probe hybridizes to the band 16q22 (SpectrumRed on the centromeric side and SpectrumGreen on the telomeric side of the CBFB gene breakpoint). The hybridized probe fluoresces with moderate to bright intensity both in interphase nuclei and on metaphase chromosomes.

The expected pattern in a nucleus lacking inv(16) will be two fused red/green (yellow) signals (2F). The pattern in a nucleus containing an inv(16) results in separate red and green signals appearing on opposite arms of the inverted 16 chromosome. The pattern of t(16;16)(p13;q22) results in an adjacent or fused red/ green signal on the q arm of one of the 16 chromosomes and a green signal on the other arm of 16, while the 16 chromosome homolog will only contain the red signal on one arm.

Normal Hybridization: LSI CBFB Dual Color, Break Apart Rearrangement Probe hybridized to a cell exhibiting one red and one green signal. On the metaphase cell, contains the red signal on one arm and the green signal on the other arm.